The hobbit j.r.r tolkien English Books•Fiction - Literature The silmarillion•The Lord of the Rings (3) : the the return of the kings•The lord of the rings (2) : the two towers•The lord of the rings (1) : the fellowship of the ring•The Tolkien Treasury : Boxset•The Lord of The Rings Box•the return of the king•Beren and Lúthien•The Children of Húrin•the lord of the rings1 : the fellowship of the ring•the hobbit the lord of the rings•The Lord of the Rings3 : the the return of the kings•The lord of the rings2 : the two towers•The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings : Boxset
One Soul•Sorry shakespeare !•Burn for her•The Murder on the Links•The Mysterious Affair At Styles•The Secret Adversary•The Plymouth Express•The Secret of Chimneys•Poirot Investigates•And Then There Were None•The Big Four•The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd
Hobbits, a race of small humanlike creatures, characteristically value peace, simplicity, and cozy homes yet are capable of incredible feats of courage and resourcefulness. The unwilling hero of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is persuaded by the wizard Gandalf to leave his village, Hobbiton, and join Thorin and his 12 dwarfs to recover their stolen treasure, which is being guarded by the dragon Smaug. During the expedition, Bilbo finds a magical ring that renders the wearer invisible, which figures prominently in The Lord of the Rings
Hobbits, a race of small humanlike creatures, characteristically value peace, simplicity, and cozy homes yet are capable of incredible feats of courage and resourcefulness. The unwilling hero of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is persuaded by the wizard Gandalf to leave his village, Hobbiton, and join Thorin and his 12 dwarfs to recover their stolen treasure, which is being guarded by the dragon Smaug. During the expedition, Bilbo finds a magical ring that renders the wearer invisible, which figures prominently in The Lord of the Rings