You might be sitting there, coffee in hand, thinking: “Oh great! Yet another book on leadership as if we don’t have enough already!” Well, before you jump to conclusions and toss this one into the pile, hold on a minute! This isn’t your typical leadership book. No, this is the oddball cousin, the black sheep of the family – this is about when leadership goes awry; when it ceases to be “leadership” and becomes...,well, “leadershit”.
You might be sitting there, coffee in hand, thinking: “Oh great! Yet another book on leadership as if we don’t have enough already!” Well, before you jump to conclusions and toss this one into the pile, hold on a minute! This isn’t your typical leadership book. No, this is the oddball cousin, the black sheep of the family – this is about when leadership goes awry; when it ceases to be “leadership” and becomes...,well, “leadershit”.