Witch Glitch Sibéal Pounder English Books•kids Witch Wars•Witch Switch•Witch Watch•Witch Glitch•Witch Snitch•Witch Tricks•Bad Mermaids•Bad Mermaids•Witch Switch•Witch Snitch•Witch Wars•Witch Tricks•Witch watch

Harry Potter Colouring Book•Ancient Myths Boxset•Goblins 3 : Goblin Quest•Goblins 2 : Goblins Vs Dwarves•Goblins 1•Malory Towers 13 : New Class•Malory Towers 12 : GoodBye•Malory Towers 11 : Secrets•Malory Towers 10 : Fun And Games•Malory Towers 9 : Winter Term•Malory Towers 8 : Summer Term•Malory Towers 7 : New Term

Witch Glitch

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It's a new era for the Witch Wars witches. Felicity Bat is no longer evil, Tiga has at last found her mum and there's the whole of Silver City to explore. But it's not long before the witches find themselves at the centre of another adventure. When a magical book called The Karens offers to grant Fran the Fabulous Fairy's dearest wish, it seems too good to be true. And it is. Before you can say 'frogknuckles', Tiga and the gang are in a race against time – can they save Fran before she explodes in a large ball of glittery dust?

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