Thea Stilton and the Dancing Shadows (14) Thea Stilton English Books•Young Adults THEA STILTON : THE SECRET OF THE CRYSTAL FAIRIES•THEA STILTON : THE SECRET OF THE SNOW•Thea Stilton and the Prince's Emerald (12)•Thea Stilton and the Great Tulip Heist (18)•Thea Stilton and the Secret of the Old Castle (10)•Thea Stilton and the Journey to the Lion's Den (17)•Thea Stilton and the Missing Myth Staple Bound (20)•Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express (13)•Thea Stilton and the Chocolate Sabotage (19)•Thea Stilton: Big Trouble in the Big Apple (8)•Thea Stilton and the Legend of the Fire Flowers (15)•Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways (7)•Thea Stilton and the Spanish Dance Mission (16)•Thea Stilton and the Cherry Blossom Adventure (6)•Thea Stilton and The Blue Scarab Hunt (11)•Thea Stilton and the Ice Treasure (9)•Thea Stilton and the Mystery in Paris (5)•Thea Stilton and the Secret City (4)•Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck (3)•Thea Stilton and the Mountain of Fire (2)•Thea Stilton and the Dragon's Code (1)

Anne of Green Gables : The Complete Collection (8 Books Set)•Dragons in a Box : Magical Creatures Collection•Which Way Round The Galaxy•The Inheritance Cycle 4 : Inheritance•Keeper Of The Lost Cities 6 : Nightfall•Take Me With You When You Go•Beasts Of Ruin•Magnus Chase 3 : The The Ship Of The Dead•Magnus Chase 2 : The Hammer Of Thor•Magnus Chase 1 : The Sword Of Summer•Percy Jackson and the Olympians : The Greek Heroes•Percy Jackson and the Olympians : The Greek Gods

Thea Stilton and the Dancing Shadows (14)


About The BookMeet more of Geronimo Stilton's friends and family in Thea Stilton And The Dancing Shadows: 14 (Geronimo Stilton). The story narrated in this book is an adventure that Thea Stilton went on and is part of the Thea Stilton series. Thea Stilton is Geronimo's sister and works as a special correspondent for The Rodent's Gazette. She travels all around the world looking for interesting material for her readers. Doubtlessly, she has been on numerous adventures, just like our old friend, Geronimo.Thea Stilton And The Dancing Shadows: 14 (Geronimo Stilton) is as exciting and full of fun as Thea's life. There is a prestigious dance competition being held in Italy and Thea's old classmates, the Thea sisters are participating! Thea receives a text from her old friends telling her that it's time to tune-in so as to be able to watch them perform. Excited as she is about seeing the mouselets do their ballet performance, Thea learns that they have another reason to be in Italy as well.It seems, someone plans to rig the prestigious competition and the Thea sisters are there to investigate. The future of the mouselets' new friend, an aspiring ballerina, is at stake. This book will take you through the ups and downs faced while trying to stop the notorious scheme.Like every other Geronimo Stilton novel, this book is full of bold and colorful illustrations and fun twists that are sure to keep children hooked to the book. And it's available in paperback.

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