Shakespeare’s Greatest Stories - macbeth William Shakespeare English Books•Classics The merchant of venice•The taming of the shrew•Twelfth Night•Much Ado About Nothing•Merchant of Venice•Julius Caesar•A Midsummer Night's Dream•Romeo and Juliet•King Lear•Hamlet•Antony and Cleopatra•The Tempest•Macbeth•Shakespeare’s Greatest Stories - as you like it•Shakespeare’s Greatest Stories - othello•Shakespeare’s Greatest Stories - a midsummer night's dream•Greatest Tragedies of Shakespeare (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)•Greatest Comedies of Shakespeare (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)•The Merchant of Venice (pocket classics)•romeo and juliet (Pocket Classics)•hamlet (Pocket Classics)•julius caeser (Pocket Classics)•as you like it (Pocket Classics)•macbeth (Pocket Classics)
Moby Dick•The old man•Great expectation•Uncle Tom's Cabin•Pride and Prejudice•Wuthering Heights•White Fang•The call of the wild•Oliver twist•Gone with the wind•For whom the Bell Tolls•Emma
An exemplification of dark ambitions overriding loyalty, Macbeth is the story of a Scottish General who is overtaken by desires awakened by evil magic leading to an unredeemable tragedy. Shakespeare writing inspires young minds to contemplate life represented by the comic interplay of wise characters, emotional conflicts, and fatal realities. The tale has been retold using simple language and beautiful illustrations to make it easier for the kids to grasp and enjoy. The book also has interesting, application-based and memory-based questions, along with an introduction to the themes in the story for better understanding.
An exemplification of dark ambitions overriding loyalty, Macbeth is the story of a Scottish General who is overtaken by desires awakened by evil magic leading to an unredeemable tragedy. Shakespeare writing inspires young minds to contemplate life represented by the comic interplay of wise characters, emotional conflicts, and fatal realities. The tale has been retold using simple language and beautiful illustrations to make it easier for the kids to grasp and enjoy. The book also has interesting, application-based and memory-based questions, along with an introduction to the themes in the story for better understanding.