Oedipus the king Sophocles English Books•Classics

Moby Dick•The old man•Great expectation•Uncle Tom's Cabin•Pride and Prejudice•Wuthering Heights•White Fang•The call of the wild•Oliver twist•Gone with the wind•For whom the Bell Tolls•Emma

Oedipus the king


Among the Greek tragedies, none is better known than the story of Oedipus, the king of Thebes, who sets out to uncover the sin for which his people are being punished, only to discover that it is he who has unwittingly committed unspeakable acts. Oedipus's slow uncovering of the truth of his birth, marriage, and kingship, and the dreadful punishments he and his unfortunate mother and wife exact upon themselves are masterfully retold here. Original illustrations, silk-screened on handmade paper, accompany the story. This unique, handcrafted book will be a treasured addition to the libraries of those who love the arts of ancient Greece and the art of fine, contemporary bookmaking.

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