a room of one's own Virginia Woolf English Books•Classics To the lighthouse•mrs dalloway•Monday or Tuesday

Moby Dick•The old man•Great expectation•Uncle Tom's Cabin•Pride and Prejudice•Wuthering Heights•White Fang•The call of the wild•Oliver twist•Gone with the wind•For whom the Bell Tolls•Emma

a room of one's own

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Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” If Shakespeare had a sister as talented as he, would she have got the same opportunities to develop her skills? Constructed around Woolf’s idea that to write fiction a woman must have money and a room of her own, this revolutionary work depicts a woman’s predicaments as she struggles deep within for some place of her own where she can work without restrictions. it brings forth the differences, biases and conventional attitudes that have caused immense suffering to women across the centuries. A major work of the twentieth-century feminist literature, a Room of One’s Own is an extended essay based on a series of lectures titled ‘Women and Fiction’ delivered at two women’s colleges in Cambridge. More than half a century after its publication, this book continues to be an inspiration for women across the globe.

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