flash cards my body and action words English Books•كتب الأطفال•أقل من 3 سنوات•kids

Harry Potter Colouring Book•Ancient Myths Boxset•Goblins 3 : Goblin Quest•Goblins 2 : Goblins Vs Dwarves•Goblins 1•Malory Towers 13 : New Class•Malory Towers 12 : GoodBye•Malory Towers 11 : Secrets•Malory Towers 10 : Fun And Games•Malory Towers 9 : Winter Term•Malory Towers 8 : Summer Term•Malory Towers 7 : New Term

flash cards my body and action words

غير متاح


These 32 unique cards offer the young learning child to learn fundamentals at an early age.The cards are specifically designed to provide the child in the aspects of learning body parts and some common action words.The cards will encourage the child to want to learn more at a tender age.The cards will help the child to enhance fine motor skills, while teaching important basic elements necessary for preschool and kindergarten.

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