shadow book - shadow book English Books•kids

Harry Potter Colouring Book•Ancient Myths Boxset•Goblins 3 : Goblin Quest•Goblins 2 : Goblins Vs Dwarves•Goblins 1•Malory Towers 13 : New Class•Malory Towers 12 : GoodBye•Malory Towers 11 : Secrets•Malory Towers 10 : Fun And Games•Malory Towers 9 : Winter Term•Malory Towers 8 : Summer Term•Malory Towers 7 : New Term

shadow book - shadow book


A hilarious and fascinating series that satisfies a childs insatiable quest for information, and at the same time tickles your funny bone by presenting some of the amusing answers kids come up with to questions like why do elephants have long noses? or why do turtles have swollen backs? etc. Cute, eye-catching illustrations go hand in hand with the delightful text.

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